Boost your sales game with ‘The Power of Language’ course, where call centre agents master influential communication strategies to drive sales and enhance customer satisfaction
Course Details

Duration /
4 hours, with 15 mins break
Delivered at your site – or we can help arrange to hire a suitable space for you
Suitable for up to 12 delegates – can accommodate more but we advice against this to maximise everyone’s learning experience

£750 per session
*Note: we do not charge per attendee. This is a fixed price for one of our expert trainers to deliver at your site

- Craft compelling sales scripts that resonate with customers and drive engagement
- Understanding the differences between aggressive, assertive and passive communication
- Implement power words and phrases to create a sense of urgency and increase customer motivation
- Identify common language that creates barriers to selling
- Utilise language techniques for building trust and credibility in the sales process
Who Would This Benefit
This course is designed for anyone looking to unlock the language and conversational skills that can improve their ability to close sales, generate leads, book appointments or similar over the phone. Catering to both novice and seasoned sales professionals, offering foundational principles for those new to the field while providing advanced insights and fresh perspectives to elevate the skills of experienced salespersons.